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The Gamers Are Coming
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The Gamers Are Coming

The companies that have a strategy to develop the generation of people who have never been on a team will capture an enormous advantage.

The companies that have a strategy to develop the generation of people who have never been on a team will capture an enormous advantage.

Why it Matters:

Every generation complains about the next one coming up, but Gen-Z truly is different. Raised in the most structured, protected childhood ever, they are entering the least structured workplace in history. Many of these young professionals have never been on a team. By 11 years old, 60-80% of them dropped out of team sports. Many of them shifted from in-person activities to living online, through social media and video games. They crave the opportunity to contribute to something larger than themselves but lack the prerequisite skills to effectively join a team working toward common goals. The companies that intentionally capitalize on this smart, purpose-driven cohort, by teaching them how to work together better, will capture an enormous advantage.

Big Picture:

"Hope is not a plan." — Unknown


The companies that teach employees how to develop team skills will have an enormous advantage over the companies that hope to hire good team contributors.

Go Deeper:

Hosted by

Scott Novis

I am the founder of GameTruck, the mobile video game event company. I am also a speaker, author, and business coach. With two engineering degrees, and 11 patents, I am an expert in innovation.

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