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Expressive Journaling
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Expressive Journaling

Today, I want to introduce you to another form of journaling that goes beyond the surface level. This is a therapeutic practice that has personally helped me navigate difficult moments in my life. It's called Expressive Writing.

The Therapeutic Power of Expressive Writing

Last week, we delved into the concept of morning pages - a simple and effective method of journaling. Today, I want to introduce you to another form of journaling that goes beyond the surface level. This is a therapeutic practice that has personally helped me navigate difficult moments in my life. While it may not be something you do every day, it serves as an invaluable tool when haunted by memories, shame, regret, or any lingering emotions that are hard to let go.

Now, imagine this scenario with me: You find yourself burdened by a memory from your past - perhaps an instance where your immaturity caused emotional harm to someone dear to you. It's been weighing heavily on your conscience for far too long. What do you do? Well, here's what worked wonders for me.

Without hesitation or judgment from others' prying eyes, I took three yellow loose leaf pages (though I ended up writing ten or eleven), and poured out every thought and feeling onto them. These pages became my therapist; they provided a safe space for me to express everything that was plaguing my mind. When I finished unloading those thoughts onto paper like an outfielder catching flyballs during batting practice—folded them up neatly—I chose to preserve them rather than dispose of them entirely.

At first glance, burning those pieces of paper seemed tempting—the idea of letting go completely had its allure—but there was immense relief in merely expressing what had been bothering me all these years. From a teenage episode riddled with guilt stemming from immature behavior towards someone close to me—an incident buried deep within—I finally allowed myself the opportunity for closure through self-exploration.

By confronting the emotions head-on—acknowledging why I behaved in certain ways and how deeply remorseful I felt—I began processing what had transpired truly rather than suppressing it out of fear, shame, or regret. I realized that burying the memory had been a maladaptive approach all along. In fact, expressive writing became my tool for processing unprocessed emotions and reshaping my narrative.

Please understand that seeking professional help is crucial if you're grappling with severe mental health issues. However, in cases like mine—where nagging questions about personal behavior persist—we often overlook the potential benefits of self-reflection and exploration. Unloading those pent-up emotions proved to be immensely valuable on a personal level.

This step—the first one—is pivotal because it signifies your willingness to confront the issue at hand head-on. Expressing your thoughts and feelings may lead you to realize that additional support is necessary—a therapist's guidance can offer profound healing insights. Nonetheless, by keeping these memories locked away indefinitely without ever expressing them aloud or committing them to paper—I would've continued living under an indescribable weight of unarticulated guilt—an invisible burden impeding my growth and development in ways barely perceptible.

Expressive writing serves as a powerful therapeutic tool—one that doesn't require grandiose dramas or immense trauma but rather addresses situations from our past where we acted foolishly or made choices we later regretted. Through this practice, I was able to dig deep into those memories—to comprehend their impact on me—and ultimately decide how they would shape my future choices moving forward.

In conclusion, expressive journaling has proven itself time and again as one of the most influential tools I have encountered throughout my journey. It allows us to uncover buried memories while comprehending their influence on our lives: how they both harmed us and benefited us simultaneously. By embracing these experiences authentically through written expression, we pave the way for personal growth and transformation—showcasing ourselves in the world exactly as we desire.

Remember: managers produce results; leaders cultivate better thinking which yields superior outcomes. The moral here is clear—expressive journaling is a catalyst for personal development and an integral part of our journey towards becoming the best version of ourselves. So, why not give it a try? Allow yourself to embark on this transformative process—one that may forever change how you navigate your own narrative.

Wow, what a powerful tool expressive writing can be!

Hosted by

Scott Novis

I am the founder of GameTruck, the mobile video game event company. I am also a speaker, author, and business coach. With two engineering degrees, and 11 patents, I am an expert in innovation.

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