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Clear Your Mind With Morning Pages
· Journaling

Clear Your Mind With Morning Pages

If you're new to journaling or looking for a simple starting point, let me introduce Julia Cameron's Morning Pages technique.

The Power of Journaling: Unlock Your Potential

Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed by the constant stream of thoughts racing through your mind? Do you struggle to articulate your ideas or make sense of your emotions? If so, I have a simple yet powerful solution for you - journaling. Now, before you dismiss it as just another trendy self-help technique, allow me to explain why journaling is more than just putting pen to paper.

Let's start with the fundamental question - why do we journal? Well, it's quite similar to why we teach kids to write papers in school. It's all about practice thinking. Our thoughts are made up of words; they shape our thinking and even play a role in defining our identity. Without language and the ability to express ourselves effectively, we limit our potential for growth and understanding.

So how does journaling fit into this equation? Think about public speaking - one of humanity's greatest fears. Whether on stage or in any group setting, our behavioral inhibition system kicks in and asks, "Should I speak or not?" We fear judgment and embarrassment. But what if there was a way to practice articulating our thoughts without fear of shame? Enter journaling – an opportunity for shameless self-expression.

If you're new to journaling or looking for a simple starting point, let me introduce Julia Cameron's Morning Pages technique. Grab three sheets of loose paper (or use a notebook if that suits you better) and set aside around 20 minutes each morning for this exercise. Embrace stream-of-consciousness writing - simply jot down whatever comes to mind without worrying about grammar or structure.

Now here comes the magic behind Morning Pages - trapping the monkey mind on the amber page. Often we find ourselves trapped in repetitive thought loops that hinder clear thinking and prevent us from seeing gaps in our reasoning process. By writing down our thoughts, we give shape and structure to the chaotic flow of ideas. Suddenly, those gaps become visible, and we can identify incomplete or flawed thinking patterns.

But Morning Pages offer more than just a mental spring cleaning. It's like unleashing a superpower within ourselves. As you empty your head onto the page, you create space for clear thinking. You may experience a sense of freedom or unburdening as you let go of repetitive and distracting thoughts. Some even compare it to problem-solving during sleep - where answers emerge seemingly out of nowhere.

Here's why I endorse Morning Pages:

  1. Practice Thinking: By converting your thoughts into words on paper, you enhance your ability to articulate ideas clearly.
  2. Improved Retention: Writing down information improves retention and enhances your ability to recreate those thoughts later.
  3. Gaining Clarity: Trapping circulating thoughts on paper allows you to see gaps in understanding and missing information that might have eluded self-reflection alone.
  4. Regain Focus: During periods of stress or distraction when focus seems elusive, Morning Pages act as an anchor that brings back clarity and enables better decision-making.

I recommend committing to Julia Cameron's technique for at least 90 days; however, any day spent practicing Morning Pages will yield benefits worth embracing.

Journaling is not limited to Morning Pages alone; there are various techniques available depending on personal preference and objectives. The key is finding one that resonates with you—whether it be bullet journaling, gratitude journaling, or reflective journaling—each approach has its own unique benefits waiting for exploration.

Remember: managers produce results while leaders cultivate better thinking which ultimately produces better results! So take some time each day for yourself - put pen to paper and discover the incredible power that lies within the pages of your journal!

In conclusion, journaling serves as both an outlet for expression and a tool for personal growth. It enables us to practice thinking, gain clarity, and unlock our potential. So don't overthink it - grab a pen and start journaling today!

Hosted by

Scott Novis

I am the founder of GameTruck, the mobile video game event company. I am also a speaker, author, and business coach. With two engineering degrees, and 11 patents, I am an expert in innovation.

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